Our Cats

Pedigree of:

CH Parti Wai
EX Plode of

Cream Tabby & White
Genetic Van
Exotic Shorthair male

A big hug and thank you to Penni Richter
for this adorable, sweet little guy...
but most of all your friendship Penni! :-)

See Penni's wonderful exotics at Parti Wai EX!

                CH Kitty Charm Black Magic of Nanc-C
           CH Nanc-C's Captain Jack
           |    |
           |    CH Byhishands Fine L Lee Mine
      GC RW Nanc-C's Jack's Legaci, 1196-1163112
      black smoke & white van
      |    |
      |    |    CH Sicilia Nicholas Colbi of Nanc-C
      |    |    |
      |    GC Nanc-C's Merci Me
      |         |
      |         CH Equinox Smokin'Glori-Daz of Nanc-C
 CH Beauetchere Livin On The Edge of Part Wai EX
 black & white van
 |    |
 |    |         GC Beauetchere's Instant Replay
 |    |         |
 |    |    GC Beauetchere's Breathless
 |    |    |    |
 |    |    |    Beauetchere's She Got The Look
 |    |    |
 |    Beauetchere's Jasmin
 |    blue tabby & white van
 |         |
 |         |    GC RW Pajean's Boxcar Willie of Baja
 |         |    |
 |         Baja's Jazabell of Beau et Chere
 |              |
 |              CH Baja's Devil Made Me Do It
CH Parti Wai EX Plode of Purfurvid
| | CH Angtini Charm of Artemis | Black & White Van | | | Artemis Amulet of Grandaries | blue & white van | | | | | Rubyrose Good News of Artemis | | Blue & White Van | | | CH Grandaries So Smitten of Parti Wai EX
| Black & White Genetic Van
| | | | | | CH Bi Hei C.B. of Grandaries | | | Red | | | | | | CH Grandaries One From The Heart | | tortie | | | | | Corsica's Doodle Bug of Grandaries | | Black | | CH Parti Wai EXPose dilute calico | | GC RW Luvlypurr's Bullwinkle of Cattabury | | | GC Cattabury Armanti of Maural | | | | | CH Catillak Color Me Happy of Catabury | | Kissables Hallekalea, DM Blue Patched Tabby & White | | CH Frenchcats Nimbus of Parti Wai DM | | GC Parti Wai Viviena of Kissables | CH Oresta Silver Lining of Parti Wai

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