Shelbie Jack Bare-a-cat
Sphynx Neuter
We're sooooo excited that Shelby Friemoth entrusted Jack Bare-a-cat to us!! My daughter, Tana, and I visited Shelby in San Diego which was the first time we ever had the opportunity to really interact with the Sphynx breed. We were so taken by their personalities and charm that we literally couldn't stop thinking about them. When I told Shelby this and how I could understand why she said she was head-over-heals madly in love with them, she offered one of her babies to us! He has seriously been an endless source of joy and wonder since he set foot in our house!!
If you're wondering about his name, Tana named him after the very entertaining and talented, Jack Barakat of her favorite band, All Time Low, and we altered his name to suit our little naked boy. ha!
Jack Bare-a-cat was shown in the CFA Kitten Class by Tana, and became CFA Southwest Region's Best Sphynx kitten for 2014-15. We intend to also show Jack in Premiership.

Shelbie Jack Bare-a-cat @ 4 months old. Opposites Attract Cat Club show, Las Vegas, September 2014

Shelbie Jack Bare-a-cat @ 4 months old. Opposites Attract Cat Club show, Las Vegas, September 2014

Shelbie Jack Bare-a-cat @ 4 months old. Opposites Attract Cat Club show, Las Vegas, September 2014